HashIndexPriority Enumeration

ScaleOut Software NamedCache API
Indicates the priority of an item annotated with SossIndexAttribute for using the limited slots in the StateServer's property index hashtable. Even if there's no room for an item in the Hashtable, the item will still be entered into the property index.

Namespace:  Soss.Client
Assembly:  soss_namedcache (in soss_namedcache.dll) Version:

public enum HashIndexPriority

  Member nameValueDescription
NotHashable0 The item the SossIndexAttribute refers to is never entered into the StateServer Hashtable.
Hashable1 The item the SossIndexAttribute refers to will be entered into the StateServer Hashtable if there's room after attempting to hash all highery priority items.
HighPriorityHashable5 The item the SossIndexAttribute refers to will be entered into the StateServer Hashtable if there's room. Items with this priority will take precedence over any items marked Hashable.
See Also
