MatchOptions Enumeration

ScaleOut Software NamedCache API
Options that determine whether all values in a FilterCollection must match an object's metadata to be considered a match in a Query(IFilter) operation or whether any matching values constitutes a match for the Query(IFilter) operation.

Namespace:  Soss.Client
Assembly:  soss_svcdotnet (in soss_svcdotnet.dll) Version: (

public enum MatchOptions

  Member nameValueDescription
MatchAny0 If any values in the associated FilterCollection match an object's metadata, then the object is considered a match for the query.
MatchAll1 All values in the associated FilterCollection must match an object's metadata for the object to be considered a match for the query.
MatchQuery2 The values in the associated FilterCollection specify a Linq query and will be evaluated against objects' property data. An object will be returned if it matches the query. (This value is used by the NamedCache infrastructure and is not normally accessed directly).
See Also
