
The ScaleOut REST API service runs as a Linux daemon or a Windows service. While the REST API service is installed by default, it does not automatically start with the system. When enabled, the service is configured to accept requests from only the loopback address ("localhost" or for security purposes. The soss_svc_rest.json file contains configuration settings used by the ScaleOut REST API, and it must be edited to make the service accessible to remote client machines.

  "Net": {
    "Addr": "localhost",
    "Port": 4001,
    "TLS": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "CertFile": "",
      "KeyFile": ""
    "Auth": {
      "UseDigestAuth": false,
      "DigestRealm": "SOSS REST API",
      "HtdigestFile": ".htdigest"
  "Runtime": {
    "NumCPUs": 0
  "MaxHandlePoolSize": 5,
  "NamespaceSettings": {
    "ExampleNamespace": {
      "EnableLRU": true,
      "EnableReplication": true

The following properties can be modified in this file when configuring the REST API service:

The TCP address to listen on. An empty string ("") listens on all addressable interfaces. Default: localhost.
The TCP port to listen on. Default: 4001.
Specifies whether to support Transport Layer Security (TLS) to allow encrypted connections to clients. Default: false.
Specifies the path to the public certificate file from a public/private key pair. The file must contain PEM encoded data. Default: (no value).
Specifies the path to the private key file from a public/private key pair. The file must contain PEM encoded data. Default: (no value).
Specifies whether to use digest access authentication for HTTP requests. Default: false.
Specifies the realm to display and use during digest authentication. Default: "SOSS REST API".
Specifies the path to the digest authentication file. The file must contain usernames, realms, and hashed passwords for authentication in the Apache htdigest format. Default: ".htdigest".
The number of logical CPU cores that the service may use to process requests. If 0, the service will default to using the number of logical cores that are available on the host system. Default: 0.
The maximum number of concurrent, open connections to the SOSS service that may be used by the REST service’s internally-managed connection pool. This pool is grown as needed (on demand), and the number of connections will not exceed the specified size. If the REST service receives a request while all SOSS connection handles are in use by other requests, the request will be queued and will wait until a SOSS connection becomes available in the pool. Default: 5.
An array of namespace configuration defaults with the namespace name as the key. Each setting default may be overridden by its respective HTTP header (PUT) or form value (POST); if a namespace name is not defined, defaults are used (see each setting’s details for overriding HTTP headers and default values).
Default: true. Override: Soss-EnableLRU. Enables LRU (least-recently used) eviction in low memory situations.
Default: true. Override: Soss-EnableReplication. Enables GeoServer push replication of the object.


By setting "Auth.UseDigestAuth" to true, the REST API service will require digest authentication for all clients. The service will use the file pointed to by the path "Auth.HtdigestFile" to authenticate a client’s username and password for the realm defined by "Auth.DigestRealm". The service accepts any valid Apache-formatted .htdigest file, and can be manipulated using any tool which supports that format (such as the apache2-utils package on dpkg package management systems and the httpd-tools package on RPM package management systems).