ScaleOut C++ Native Client API  5.1
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 |oCStateServerExceptionBase exception type for errors returned from the ScaleOut StateServer service
 |oCCantInitExceptionException that is thrown when the ScaleOut client library cannot be initialized
 |oCBadHandleExceptionException that is thrown when an invalid or stale connection handle is used
 |oCHandleBusyExceptionException that is thrown when a handle is in use for another storage operation
 |oCCantConnectExceptionException that is thrown when this client cannot connect to the local service
 |oCBadKeyExceptionException that is thrown when a null key is provided
 |oCBadArgsExceptionException that is thrown when invalid argument values (null pointer, etc) are provided to an API call
 |oCCantAccessExceptionException that is thrown when there was an error accessing the local service
 |oCObjectExistsExceptionException that is thrown when an object cannot be created because it already exists
 |oCObjectNotFoundExceptionException that is thrown when an object is not found
 |oCNotReadingExceptionException that is thrown when a read operation is not active
 |oCAppNameInUseExceptionException that is thrown when application name is already in use
 |oCObjectLockedExceptionException that is thrown when an object was locked with with a different lock ticket
 |oCLowMemoryExceptionException that is thrown when there is insufficient memory available to create object
 |oCOperationFailedExceptionException that is thrown when an operation fails
 |oCNotLicensedExceptionException that is thrown when a feature has not been licensed (API usage, remote client access, PMI operations)
 |oCNotReadyExceptionException that is thrown when the store is not ready to perform this operation
 |oCTimeoutExceptionException that is thrown when a timeout occurred while performing the requested operation
 |oCObjectReadingExceptionException that is thrown when an object does not exist but a backing store read-through is in progress
 |oCVersionMismatchExceptionException that is thrown when a version mismatch is detected during an optimistic locking update
 |oCBadPropertiesExceptionException that is thrown when an invalid property specification is provided to the API
 |oCAuthorizationNotNeededExceptionException that is thrown when authorization calls are used in an application does not use authorization
 |oCMultipleLoginExceptionException that is thrown when another user is already logged in to this application on this client
 |oCNotAuthorizedExceptionException that is thrown when user is not authorized to perform an operation
 |oCCantAccessRemoteStoreExceptionException that is thrown when an object cannot be accessed from a remote store
 |oCNoActiveRemoteStoresExceptionException that is thrown when none of the remote stores specified for GeoServer pull replication exist or are active
 |oCLocalNameNotSetExceptionException that is thrown when GeoServer pull replication is attempted but the the local store's name is not set
 |oCProxyFoundExceptionException that is thrown when a GeoServer proxy object was found on a remote store read
 |oCNotImplementedExceptionException that is thrown when a requested operation is not implemented
 |oCPmiCliUserExceptionCodeUser-generated exception code
 |\CPmiCliInvokeUserExceptionThe PmiCliInvokeUserException Exception class is thrown when user callback functions to an invoke return exceptions
 oCExpressionComparandA common base class / interface for the two types of operands that can occur within a ComparisonExpression or a StringContainsExpression: ValueOperand and ReferenceOperand
 oCFilterAn object that holds a filtering expression which is used by NamedCache::query to determine which objects in the NamedCache to return
 oCGetOptionsThe GetOptions class contains options that control locking and client cache behavior of get operations
 oCGetResultThe GetResult class represents the result of a get operation and provides a smart pointer to the retrieved object
 oCLockOptionsOptions that control the blocking and retry behavior of the NamedCache::lock method
 oCLockResultResult of a lock operation
 oCLockTicketServes as a RAII-style wrapper around the internal lock ticket identifier returned by ScaleOut's low-level APIs
 oCNamedCacheBase class for named cache implementations
 |\CDefaultCachePolicyDefines default behaviors and policies for named cache operations
 oCNamedPrimitiveCacheThe NamedPrimitiveCache class provides access to a named collection of primitive objects that can be shared across multiple clients
 oCNamedProtobufCacheA concrete TypedNamedCache<T> implementation that expects Google Protocol Buffers Message instances as the objects stored in the StateServer cache
 oCGetMetadataOptionsOptions that control behavior of metadata retrieval operations
 oCGetMetadataResultResult of a get_metadata operation
 oCObjectMetadataExtended (read-only) object information from the SOSS store for a given object
 oCObjectPolicyExtended parameter information for the TypedNamedCache::insert and TypedNamedCache.put methods
 oCPmicliInvokeOptionsOptions that control the behavior of the NamedCache::pmicli_invoke method
 oCPmicliInvokeResultResult of a pmicli_invoke operation and provides a smart pointer to the results object
 oCPutOptionsOptions that control client cache behavior of put operations
 oCPutResultResult of a put, insert, or update operation
 oCQueryExpressionServes as an abstract base class for the abstract syntax tree nodes used in Filter expressions
 |\CVisitorThe QueryExpression visitor base class
 oCQueryResultResult of a query operation, providing access to the keys returned from a query
 oCReferenceComparandA ReferenceComparand node holds a string used to identify a field or property within objects persisted to StateServer via a TypedNamedCache::put(), TypedNamedCache::insert(), or TypedNamedCache::update() method
 oCRemoveResultResult of a remove operation
 oCSossEventsManages the registration and unregistration of handlers for asynchronous StateServer object events
 |\CEventDetailsA class holding information about the StateServer event that is passed to registered callbacks
 oCSossKeyServes as an identifier for a cached object in a NamedCache collection
 oCTypedNamedCacheThe abstract TypedNamedCache template provides access to a strongly-typed named collection of objects that can be shared across multiple clients
 \CValueComparandA ValueComparand node holds a literal value to be compared with a field or property within objects persisted to StateServer via a TypedNamedCache::put(), TypedNamedCache::insert(), or TypedNamedCache::update() method