Soss.Compat.WSAF NamespaceWindows Server AppFabric Caching Compatibility Library
The Soss.WSAF.Compat namespace provides classes that are source-compatible with Windows Server AppFabric Caching APIs. Supported features include CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations, regions, tags, and event notifications for objects that are stored in that ScaleOut StateServer in-memory data grid.

The migration process for .NET projects that are currently using the WSAF Caching APIs involves just a few easy steps: First, add the soss_wsaf_compat.dll assembly as a reference to your project. Next, change the Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching namespace in source files to Soss.Compat.WSAF. After recompiling the project you can start using WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.


Public classDataCache
The DataCache class is used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library for storing and retrieving objects from a ScaleOut StateServer in-memory data grid. To simplify migration of AppFabric centric applications to ScaleOut StateServer, methods and properties on this class are the same as those defined by the Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCache class.
Public classDataCacheClientLogManager
Uses .NET Tracing to log messages and errors at runtime. To enable tracing, the application's .config file must have the "Soss.Compat.WSAF" TraceSwitch defined to enable, disable, and filter tracing output.
Public classDataCacheException
The top-level exception returned by all WSAF Caching Compatibility Library methods for any cache-related exceptions. The inner StateServerException will contain more details about the error condition.
Public classDataCacheFactory
Provides access to a collection of cached objects that is identified by a supplied cache name. The GetCache(String) method must be used to obtain an instance of the DataCache class. The DataCacheFactory's constructor that accepts DataCacheFactoryConfiguration as an argument is not supported. Please refer to ScaleOut documentation on how to configure ScaleOut StateServer.
Public classDataCacheFactoryConfiguration
The class is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.
Public classDataCacheItem
This class contains information about the cached object including its key, value and timeout.
Public classDataCacheItemVersion
This class represents the version of a cached object.
Public classDataCacheLocalCacheProperties
The class is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.
Public classDataCacheLockHandle
Represents the lock ticket for locking and unlocking cached objects when a pessimistic concurrency strategy is used.
Public classDataCacheNotificationDescriptor
Identifies a cache notification callback. This identifier is required to remove the corresponding cache notification callback.
Public classDataCacheNotificationProperties
The class is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.
Public classDataCacheOperationDescriptor
Represents a notification event for operations performed against the cache (Add Item, Remove Item, Replace Item, Clear Region, Create Region, Remove Region).
Public classDataCacheSecurity
The class is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.
Public classDataCacheServerEndpoint
The class is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.
Public classDataCacheTag
This class defines an optional string-based identifier which can be associated with a cached object.
Public classDataCacheTransportProperties
The class is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.

Public delegateDataCacheBulkNotificationCallback
Represents a callback for a cache notifications related to bulk operations.
Public delegateDataCacheFailureNotificationCallback
Represents a callback for a cache notifications related to notification failures.
Public delegateDataCacheNotificationCallback
Represents a callback for a cache notifications.

Public enumerationDataCacheLocalCacheInvalidationPolicy
The enum is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.
Public enumerationDataCacheOperations
Specifies object or region related event types triggering the corresponding a cache level notification.
Public enumerationDataCacheProtectionLevel
The enum is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.
Public enumerationDataCacheSecurityMode
The enum is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.
Public enumerationDataCacheServiceAccountType
The enum is defined for a source compatibility purpose, it is not used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library.
Public enumerationNotificationScope
Defines the scope for registered notifications.