DataCache ClassWindows Server AppFabric Caching Compatibility Library
The DataCache class is used by the WSAF Caching Compatibility Library for storing and retrieving objects from a ScaleOut StateServer in-memory data grid. To simplify migration of AppFabric centric applications to ScaleOut StateServer, methods and properties on this class are the same as those defined by the Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCache class.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Soss.Compat.WSAF
Assembly: soss_wsaf_compat (in soss_wsaf_compat.dll) Version: (

public abstract class DataCache

The DataCache type exposes the following members.


Public methodAdd(String, Object)
Inserts an object into the cache.
Public methodAdd(String, Object, IEnumerableDataCacheTag)
Inserts an object to the cache with a specified list of tags.
Public methodAdd(String, Object, String)
Inserts an object to a region in the cache.
Public methodAdd(String, Object, TimeSpan)
Inserts an object to the cache with a specified object timeout.
Public methodAdd(String, Object, IEnumerableDataCacheTag, String)
Inserts an object to a region in the cache with a specified list of tags.
Public methodAdd(String, Object, TimeSpan, IEnumerableDataCacheTag)
Inserts an object to the cache with a specified list of tags.
Public methodAdd(String, Object, TimeSpan, String)
Inserts an object to a region in the cache with a specified object timeout.
Public methodAdd(String, Object, TimeSpan, IEnumerableDataCacheTag, String)
Inserts an object to a region in the cache with a specified list of tags and expiration timeout.
Public methodAddCacheLevelBulkCallback Obsolete.
This method is not supported by this implementation.
Public methodAddCacheLevelCallback
Adds a cache notification callback for cache operations occurring on all regions and items.
Public methodAddFailureNotificationCallback
Adds a failure notification that is used to notify a client that it has missed one or more cache notifications.
Public methodAddItemLevelCallback(String, DataCacheOperations, DataCacheNotificationCallback)
Adds a cache notification callback for cache operations occurring on one specific item that is not stored in a region.
Public methodAddItemLevelCallback(String, DataCacheOperations, DataCacheNotificationCallback, String)
Adds a cache notification callback for cache operations occurring on the object with specified key that is stored in a given region.
Public methodAddRegionLevelCallback
Adds a cache notification callback for cache operations occurring on a specific region.
Public methodBulkGet(IEnumerableString)
Gets all of the objects associated with the specified keys across all system regions. This method does not search user-defined regions.
Public methodBulkGet(IEnumerableString, String)
Gets objects for the specified keys from the specified region of the cache.
Public methodClear
Clears the cache.
Public methodClearRegion
Deletes all objects in the specified region.
Public methodCreateRegion
Creates a region.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGet(String)
Gets an object from the cache using the specified key.
Public methodGet(String, DataCacheItemVersion)
Gets an object from the cache using the specified key and returns its current version.
Public methodGet(String, String)
Gets an object from the specified region using object's key.
Public methodGet(String, DataCacheItemVersion, String)
Gets an object from the specified region using object's key and returns its current version.
Public methodGetAndLock(String, DataCacheLockHandle)
Locks the cached object to prevent other clients from updating or removing it and returns the object corresponding to the key.
Public methodGetAndLock(String, TimeSpan, DataCacheLockHandle, Boolean) Obsolete.
Locks the cached object to prevent other clients from updating or removing it and returns the object corresponding to the key.
Public methodGetAndLock(String, TimeSpan, DataCacheLockHandle, String) Obsolete.
Locks the cached object to prevent other clients from updating or removing it and returns the object corresponding to the key.
Public methodGetAndLock(String, TimeSpan, DataCacheLockHandle, String, Boolean) Obsolete.
Locks the cached object to prevent other clients from updating or removing it and returns the object corresponding to the key.
Public methodGetCacheItem(String)
Retrieves all information associated with the cached object in the ScaleOut data grid.
Public methodGetCacheItem(String, String)
Retrieves all information associated with the cached object in the ScaleOut data grid. This version retrieves objects stored in regions.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIfNewer(String, DataCacheItemVersion)
Retrieves an object from the cache, but only if a newer version of the object resides in the cache.
Public methodGetIfNewer(String, DataCacheItemVersion, String)
Retrieves an object from the specified region, but only if a newer version of the object resides in this region.
Public methodGetObjectsByAllTags
Gets list of all objects in the region that have all specified tags in common.
Public methodGetObjectsByAnyTag
Gets list of all objects in the region that have at least one of the specified tags.
Public methodGetObjectsByTag
Retrieves a list of all cached objects in the region that match the specified tag.
Public methodGetObjectsInRegion
Gets a list of all objects stored in the specified region.
Public methodGetSystemRegionName
Returns the system region name for the specified key. ScaleOut StateServer does have a notion of a system region, so this method returns the name of pseudo system region as "Default_Region_{CacheName}", where {CacheName} represents the cache name associated with the current DataCache instance.
Public methodGetSystemRegions
Gets the list of internal system regions.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPut(String, Object)
Adds or replaces an object in the cache.
Public methodPut(String, Object, DataCacheItemVersion)
Replaces an object in the cache if the specified object version matches the version of object stored in the cache.
Public methodPut(String, Object, IEnumerableDataCacheTag)
Adds or replaces an object in the cache with a new value and the specified collection of tags.
Public methodPut(String, Object, String)
Adds or replaces an object in the specified region.
Public methodPut(String, Object, TimeSpan)
Adds or replaces an object in the cache with a specified object timeout.
Public methodPut(String, Object, DataCacheItemVersion, IEnumerableDataCacheTag)
Replaces an object in the cache if the provided object version matches the version of object stored in the specified region.
Public methodPut(String, Object, DataCacheItemVersion, String)
Replaces an object in the specified region if the provided object version matches the version of object stored in the cache.
Public methodPut(String, Object, DataCacheItemVersion, TimeSpan)
Replaces an object in the cache if the specified object version matches the version of object stored in the cache.
Public methodPut(String, Object, IEnumerableDataCacheTag, String)
Adds or replaces an object in the region with a new value and the specified collection of tags.
Public methodPut(String, Object, TimeSpan, IEnumerableDataCacheTag)
Adds or replaces an object in the cache with a specified object timeout.
Public methodPut(String, Object, TimeSpan, String)
Adds or replaces an object in the region with a specified object timeout.
Public methodPut(String, Object, DataCacheItemVersion, IEnumerableDataCacheTag, String)
Replaces an object in the specified region if the provided object version matches the version of object stored in the region.
Public methodPut(String, Object, DataCacheItemVersion, TimeSpan, IEnumerableDataCacheTag)
Replaces an object in the cache if the provided object version matches the version of object stored in the specified region.
Public methodPut(String, Object, DataCacheItemVersion, TimeSpan, String)
Replaces an object in the specified region if the provided object version matches the version of object stored in the region.
Public methodPut(String, Object, TimeSpan, IEnumerableDataCacheTag, String)
Adds or replaces an object in the region with a specified object timeout.
Public methodPut(String, Object, DataCacheItemVersion, TimeSpan, IEnumerableDataCacheTag, String)
Replaces an object in the specified region if the provided object version matches the version of object stored in the region.
Public methodPutAndUnlock(String, Object, DataCacheLockHandle)
Replaces and unlocks an object in the cache.
Public methodPutAndUnlock(String, Object, DataCacheLockHandle, IEnumerableDataCacheTag)
Replaces and unlocks an object in the cache.
Public methodPutAndUnlock(String, Object, DataCacheLockHandle, String)
Replaces and unlocks an object in the specified region.
Public methodPutAndUnlock(String, Object, DataCacheLockHandle, TimeSpan)
Replaces and unlocks an object in the cache.
Public methodPutAndUnlock(String, Object, DataCacheLockHandle, IEnumerableDataCacheTag, String)
Replaces and unlocks an object in the specified region.
Public methodPutAndUnlock(String, Object, DataCacheLockHandle, TimeSpan, IEnumerableDataCacheTag)
Replaces and unlocks an object in the cache.
Public methodPutAndUnlock(String, Object, DataCacheLockHandle, TimeSpan, String)
Replaces and unlocks an object in the specified region.
Public methodPutAndUnlock(String, Object, DataCacheLockHandle, TimeSpan, IEnumerableDataCacheTag, String)
Replaces and unlocks an object in the specified region.
Public methodRemove(String)
Removes object from the cache.
Public methodRemove(String, DataCacheItemVersion)
Removes object from the cache.
Public methodRemove(String, DataCacheLockHandle)
Removes object from the cache.
Public methodRemove(String, String)
Removes an object from the cache in a region.
Public methodRemove(String, DataCacheItemVersion, String)
Removes an object with a specific version from the cache in a region.
Public methodRemove(String, DataCacheLockHandle, String)
Removes object from the cache with an associated lock handle in a region.
Public methodRemoveCallback
Removes a cache notification callback.
Public methodRemoveRegion
Deletes a region and removes cached objects inside the region.
Public methodResetObjectTimeout(String, TimeSpan) Obsolete.
This method is not supported by this implementation.
Public methodResetObjectTimeout(String, TimeSpan, String) Obsolete.
This method is not supported by this implementation.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnlock(String, DataCacheLockHandle)
Unlocks the object in the cache.
Public methodUnlock(String, DataCacheLockHandle, String)
Unlocks the object in the cache region.
Public methodUnlock(String, DataCacheLockHandle, TimeSpan)
Unlocks the object in the cache and resets its timeout to a new value specified by timeout.
Public methodUnlock(String, DataCacheLockHandle, TimeSpan, String)
Unlocks the object in the region and resets its timeout to a new value specified by timeout.

Public propertyDefaultTTL
Default timeout for the DataCache class. Default value is MaxValue.
Public propertyItem
Gets or sets a cached item using default parameters.
Public propertyName
The cache name.
Public propertyNotificationsEnabled
Enables or disables notifications for the current instance of the DataCache class. Default is false.
Public propertyPollInterval
Gets/sets the polling interval (in seconds) that the cache client uses to check for notifications on the cache cluster.
See Also
